Starting in November 2014, SHA-1 will be gradually sunset by Google. Thus, we strongly suggest that anyone using SSL certificates signed with SHA-1 reissue their certificates from respective account panel as soon as possible. The reason is that the SHA-1 hashing algorithm is being deprecated by most Certificate Authorities.If you are not ...
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We are happy to announce our 30% discount offer on seedboxes. To avail 30% Discount for all 100 Mbps shared seedboxes, use coupon ALLSB30%Terms & Conditons : The discount excludes any additional add ons on the account and refers to the monthly line rental of the package plan itself. By signing up to this promotion the customer is entering a 1 ...
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With the recent discovery of the the “Poodle” vulnerability, we’re writing today to inform you about how it may affect you, as a user of our SSL certificates.
First of all, this vulnerability does not affect SSL certificates themselves. It impacts SSL protocol functionality. There is no need to reissue and revoke your current ...
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