
DNS resolution issue

  • 3rd July 2019
Some of our servers might be not reachable through the sub-domain we have provided due to some issue with DNS resolution at domain level.If you are unable to connect using sub-domian we have provided please use IP address to connect to server as none of the services are affected.ETA for resolution is 48 hours.Our support team is happy to assist if ...
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Chociz website redesign and offers - Mid-2019

  • 22nd June 2019

We are glad to inform that we have launched beta of our new website along with lot of new offerings across our datacenters with focus on Cloud Servers.
Please take a look into it and let us know about any feedback.

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New website Launch - Seedbox.CH

  • 20th August 2018


We have launched new website Seedbox.CH to offer our seedbox servers. We have freemium model to get you started for free!
This also helps us to give dedicated stream to our seedbox users.
Our new plans starts from €5/month to match the market needs.

We also provide custom solutions on demand.

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Maintenance Notification - US July 20, 2018

  • 21st July 2018
Maintenance Window Scope of Work:Our US datacenter will be making upgrades to the network infrastructure that supplies your services. Only some of the servers in new series will be affected. When:From July 20, 2018 at 10:00 PM CDT to July 21, 2018 at 07:00 AM CDTImpact:You may see instances of intermittent connectivity lasting for up to 5 ...
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